Vol. 19, No.1 (2000)
Titles of research papers/articles published in CR Vol. 19, No. 1, 2000. For full text, please contact Editor-in-Chief at md@cropresearch.org
1. Thakar Singh, L. S. Brar and U. S. Walia [Comparative efficiency of herbicides for weed control in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 1-5 (2000). PAU Regional Station, Bathinda-151 001, India.
2. S. Avudaithai and V. Veerabadran [Effect of herbicide mixtures on the total weed spectrum in transplanted rice]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 6-12 (2000). Department of Agronomy Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai (T. N.), India.
3. S. K. Uppal, S. Sharma and G. S. Sidhu [Response of sugaracane genotypes to post-harvest deterioration under natural field conditions (exposed to sun) vs. shade]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 13-16 (2000). PAU Sugarcane Research Station, Jalandhar-144 001 (Punjab), India.
4. H. S. Thakur, R. A. Sharma, P. G. Nadkarni and R. K. S. Raghuwanshi [Studies on the influence of different degrees of tillage operations on soybean based cropping systems grown on vertisols of central Indian]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 17-22 (2000). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Indore-452 001 (M. P.), India.
5. K. Mallikarjuna, N. Devakumar, M. V. Chalapathi and G. Gangadhar Eswar Rao [Integrated phosphorus management for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in alfisols]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 23-27 (2000). Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
6. A. K. Pandey, V. Prakash, R. D. Singh and V. P. Mani [Response of maize varieties to nitrogen levels and sulphydryl compounds]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 28-33 (2000). Division of Crop Production, Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (ICAR), Almora-263 601 (U. P.), India.
7. P. K. Tarafdar, Susanta Kumar De and Asit Kumar Mukhopadhyay [Potassium dynamics in soil profiles of an eutrochrept under various soil moisture stress and levels of applied K]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 34-39(2000). Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741 252 (West Bengal), India.
8. S. R. S. Raghuwanshi, D. D. Dubey and S. C. Tiwari [Effect of varying proportion of saline and best available water on yield and yield attributing characters of wheat in black clay soil]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 40-43 (2000). College of Agriculture, Indore-452 (M. P.), India.
9. S. R. S. Raghuwanshi, D. D. Dubey and S. C. Tiwari [Effect of irrigation with saline and mixed with best available water on soil properties and yield of wheat in smectitic clay soil]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 44-47 (2000). College of Agriculture, Indore-452 (M. P.), India.
10. P. Gayen, D. K. De and A. K. Pal [Estimation of trifoliate leaf area in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] by linear measurements]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 48-53 (2000). Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, North Bengal Campus, Pundibari, Cooch Behar (West Bengal), India.
11. Ved Prakash, A. K. Pandey, R. D. Singh and V. P. Mani [Effect of nitrogen and spacing on seed yield and monetary returns of late cauliflower [Brassica oleracea (L.) var. botrytis] cv. Pusa Snowball-1 under N-W Himalayas]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 54-58 (2000). Vivekananda Parvatiya Aunsandhan Sansthan (ICAR), Almora-263 601 (U. P.), India.
12. M. Thirupathi Reddy, Syed Ismail and Y. Narayana Reddy [Performance of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in relation to tree alley orientation in ber-based agri-horticultural system]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 59-62 (2000). Department of Horticulture, Acharya, N. G. Ranga Agricultural University Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 (A. P.), India.
13. S. Anuradha and J. V. Narayana Gowda [Association of cutflower yield with growth and floral characters in grebera]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 63-66 (2000). Department of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065 (Karnataka), India.
14. S. Anuradha, J. V. Narayana Gowda and K. V. Jayaprasad [Indirect selection criteria to increase number of florets per spike in gladiolus]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 67-69 (2000). Division of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
15. S. Anuradha, J. V. Narayana Gowda and K. V. Jayaprasad [Path coefficient analysis for floral traits in gladiolus]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 70-73 (2000). Division of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
16. C. Vannirajan, M. Kingshlin and J. Ramalingam [Estimation of genetic parameters over environments in rice fallow urdbean genotypes]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 74-76 (2000). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam-628 252 (Tamil Nadu), India.
17. N. Kumaravadivel and A. Amirthadevarathinam [Genetic analysis in F2 and F3 generations of sorghum]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 77-81 (2000). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
18. Rakesh Vaishnavi and G. S. Sethi [Cytogenetic analysis of rye-introgressed bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 82-92 (2000). Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062 (H. P.), India.
19. N. Kumaravadivel and A. Amirthadevarathinam [Parent-offspring regression analysis in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] crosses]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 93-96 (2000). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.
20. D. M. Hegde, H. S. Patil, B. R. Singh and U. Goswami [Phenotypic stability in niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass)]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 97-101 (2000). Project Co-ordinating Unit (Sesame and Niger). AICRP on Oilseeds, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur-482 004 (M. P.), India.
21. M. Kingshlin and C. Vannirajan [Association of yield attributes and components analysis among the quantitative characters of rice fallow urdbean genotypes]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 102-105 (2000). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam-628 252, India.
22. M. Kavitha, R. Sethupathi Ramlingam, T. S. Raveendran and D. Punitha [Identification of pollen fertility restorers and inheritance of fertility restoration for cytoplasmic-genic male sterility in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 106-109 (2000). Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
23. N. Kumaravadivel and A. Amirthadevarathinam [Correlation and path coefficient analysis in the segregating generations of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 110-114 (2000). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.
24. Chuni Lal, S. K. Sharma and R. K. Chahota [Combining ability and heterosis for growth parameters in microsperma x macrosperma lentil]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 115-121 (2000). Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062, India.
25. H. Kalita, M. K. Deka and Karan Singh [Diet breadth of tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse (Hemiptera : Miridae)]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 122-124 (2000). Plant Protection Department, Tocklai Experimental Station, Jorhat-785 008 (Assam), India.
26. S. K. Sharma, J. R. Singh and Ombir [Comarative pollination efficiency of three Apis spp. on Brassica campestris var. `sarson’ B. S. H. 1]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 125-127 (2000). Department of Entomology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India.
27. M. A. Shankar, M. C. Devaiah, Anitha Peter and B. T. Rangaswamy [Effect of graded levels of organic manure on growth, yield and quality of mulberry in relation to silkworm growth and cocoon production]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 128-132 (2000). Department of Sericulture, MRS Unit University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore-560 024, India.
28. M. A. Shankar, Anitha Peter and B. T. Rangaswamy [Effect of secondary nutrients’ deficiency on the micronutrient staus of mulbery leaf]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 133-137 (2000). Department of Sericulture, MRS Unit University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore-560024, India.
29. O. R. Misra, A. M. Rajput, P. K. Wani and H. S. Thakur [Study on planting patterns, nutrient managment and economics in sorghum-soybean intercropping]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 138-141 (2000). College of Agriculture, Indore-452 001 (M. P.), India.
30. U. S. Tomar, A. K. Badaya, I. S. Tomar, D. K. Vani and G. R. Ambavatia [Influence of different levels and sources of sulphur on growth and productivity of soybean]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 142-143 (2000). JNKVV Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Jhabua (M. P.), India.
31. Kedar Prasad, K. S. Rathi and Hari Ram [Studies on intercropping of mustard with chickpea varieties]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 144-145 (2000). Department of Agronomy, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208 002, India
32. A. C. Yadav, S. Lal and J. L. Mangal [Salinity effects on growth, flowering and yield of coriander cultivars]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 146-148 (2000). Department of Vegetable Crops, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India.
33. R. K. Saraf, S. M. Kurmvanshi, R. S. Sharma and M. S. Parihar [Relative performance of garlic (Allium sativum L.) varieties in Vindhyan Plateau of Madhya Pradesh]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 149-151 (2000). JNKVV Regional Agricultural Research Station, Sagar-470 001 (M. P.), India.
34. K. Nayeem Pasha, J. V. Narayana Gowda and Syamsunder Joshi [Histological and histochemical changes during microsporogenesis and male gametophyte development in Gerbera jamesonii L. cvs. Rosabella and Local]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 152-153 (2000). Division of Horticulture University of Agricultral Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
35. K. Nayeem Pasha, J. V. Narayana Gowda and Syamsunder Joshi [Reproductive bioligy in Gerbera jamesonii L. cv. Local]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 156-157 (2000). Division of Horticulture University of Agricultral Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
36. K. Nayeem Pasha, J. V. Narayana Gowda and Syamsunder Joshi [Causes of sterility in Gerbera jamesonii L. cvs. Rosabella]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 156-157 (2000). Division of Horticulture University of Agricultral Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India.
37. S. K. Payasi [Genetic divergence in linseed]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 158-161 (2000). JNKVV College of Agriculture, Rewa-486 001 (M. P.), India.
38. M. Kavitha, R. Sethupathi Ramalingam, T. S. Raveendran and D. Punitha [Cytoplasmic-genic male seterile lines in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)-Effect of environmental factors]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 162-164 (2000). Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
39. M. Kavitha, R. Sethupathi Ramalingam, T. S. Raveendran and D. Punitha [Heterosis in cytoplasmic-genic male seterile lines in sesame]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 165-169 (2000). Centre for Plant Breeding and
Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
40. L. S. Yadav [Performance of tractors on tea gardens in north-east India]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 170-171 (2000). Agricultural Engineering Department North-Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli-791 109 (Arunachal Pradesh), India.
41. V. P. Singh [Water potential and the concept of free energy-A note]. Crop Res. 19 (1) : 172-174 (2000). Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India