Vol. 15, No.1 (1998)
Titles of research papers/articles published in CR Vol. 15, No. 1, 1998. For full text, please contact Editor-in-Chief at info@cropresearch.org
1. O. A. CHIVINGE AND I. K. MARIGA [Effect of fertilizer rates and weed management under low input dryland conditions on maize grain yield]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 1-10 (1998). Crop Science Department, University of Zimbabwe P. O. Box MP 167 MP, MT Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.
2. MUNIR A. TURK AND ABBAS F. AL-JAMALI [Effects of varying nitrogen supply at different stages on yield and yield components of barley in semi-arid conditons]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 11-20 (1998). Faculty of Agriculture Jordan University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan.
3. A. RAMACHANDRA RAO, S. N. SHARMA AND SHAIK MOHAMMAD [Effect of time and frequency of weeding on growth, yield and economics of rajmash]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 21-25 (1998). Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, India.
4. S. R. PATEL AND D. S. THAKUR [Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on growth, yield and quality of toria (Brassica compestris L.) under irrigated condition]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 26-30 (1998). I. G. K. V. Regional Agricultural Research Staion Boirdadar, Raigarh-496 001 (M. P.), India
5. R. S. KARWASRA, S. N. GUPTA AND R. S. KADIAN [Response of barley varieties to nirtogen under rainfed conditions of district Rohtak]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 31-33 (1998). CCSHAU Krishi Gyan Kendra, Rohtak (Haryana), India.
6. S. K. PANNASE, N. S. THAKUR AND RUPENDRA KHANDWE [Effect of improved practices on productivity of niger in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 34-36 (1998). J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Krishi Vigyan Kendra Chandangaon, Chhindwara-480 002 (M. P.), India.
7. S. K. SUBEHIA [Effect of rock phosphate on some chemical properties of soil]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 37-42 (1998). Department of Soil Science, Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur-176 062 (H. P.), India.
8. L. KRISHNAMURTHY AND V. B. BHATNAGAR [Growth analysis of rainfed mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Coss. & Czen.] cv. Varuna]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 43-53 (1998). Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Agricultural Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, India.
9. T. S. PATEL, D. S. KATARE, H. K. KHOSLA AND SANJAY DUBEY [Effect of biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Crop Res. 15 (1) : 54-56 (1998). College of Agriculture, Indore-452 001 (M. P.), India.
10. S. R. SINGH AND B. P. SACHAN [Response of different bulb sizes and varieties on onion (Allium cepa L.) seed yield and yield attributing traits]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 57-60 (1998). K. A. P. G. college, Allahabad (U. P.), India.
11. A. K. SINGH AND AKHILESH SINGH [Genetic studies of polygenic traits in chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Crop Res. 15 (1) : 61-62 (1998). H. P. K. V. Regional Research Station, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour-173 001 (H. P.), India.
12. S. GEETHA [Genetics of protein per grain (PPG) in rice]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 63-64 (1998). Sugarcane Research Station, Sirugamani-639 115 (Tamil Nadu), India.
13. J. EDWIN ROGBELL, N. SUBBARAMAN AND G. ANAND [Heterotic crosses and status of parents and hybrids in relation to combining ability in saline rice cultivars]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 65-67 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
14. J. EDWIN ROGBELL, N. SUBBARAMAN AND C. KARTHIKEYAN [Heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline stress condition]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 68-72 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
15. S. BACKIYARANI, A. AMIRTHADEVARATHINAM AND S. SHANTHI [Heterosis for physiological traits in sesame]. Crop Res. 15 (1) : 73-76 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
16. R. VENUGOPAL [Inheritance in copwea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) V. Walp. pod characters]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 77-84 (1998). Department of Plant Breeding U. A. S. Regional Research Station, Konehally, Tiptur-572 202, India.
17. S. BACKIYARANI, A. AMIRTHADEVARATHINAM, C. RAJENDRAN AND S. SHANTHI [Diallel analysis of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) for physiological traits]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 85-90 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
18. G. ANAND, A. AMIRTHADEVARATHINAM, AND J. EDWIN ROGBELL [Path analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under cold stress condition]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 91-93 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
19. R. B. GHORADE, V. B. SHEKHAR*, B. A. SAKHARE AND B. D. GITE [Combining ability for grain mould resistance in sorghum]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 94-98 (1998). Sorghum Research Centre Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, India.
20. T. SRINIVAS, K. C. JAIN AND M. S. S. REDDY [Combining ability studies of sterility mosaic resistant pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 99-103 (1998). ICRISAT Asia Centre (IAC), Patancheru and A. P. Agricultural University, Hyderabad (A. P.), India.
21. G. ANAND, A. AMIRTHADEVARATHINAM AND J. EDWIN ROGBELL [Variability and correlation studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under cold condition]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 104-107 (1998). Department of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai-625 104, India.
22. P. MANIVEL, P. RANGASAMY AND M. Y. SAMDUR [Phenotypic stability of hybrids and their parents for seed yield in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.)]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 108-111 (1998). School of Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, India.
23. S. LEENA KUMARI, TESSY JOSEPH, N. K. NAYAR AND T. J. REHMATH NIZA [Field tolerance levels of indica rice varieties for major diseases of Kerala]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 112-114 (1998). Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi (Kerala), India.
24. H. R. SARDANA [Field response of sugarcane germplasm for multiple resistance to major borer pests in sub-tropics]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 115-118 (1998). Sugarcane Breeding Institute Regional Centre, Karnal-132 001, India.
25. M. S. DUBEY, K. J. SINGH AND O. P. SINGH [Screening of some genotypes of soybean (Glycine max) against green semilooper, Chrysodeixis acuta and stemfly, Melanagromyza sojae infestation]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 119-112 (1998). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Sehore-466 001 (M. P.), India.
26. SUBHASH CHANDRA, N. L. Jat AND RAVINDRA SINGH [Yield attributes of barley as influenced by nitrogen, zinc sulphate and their correlation and regression with yield]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 123-124 (1998). Department of Agronomy, S. K. N. College of Agriculture, Jobner-303 329 (Rajasthan), India.
27. A. S. KUSHWAHA AND KEDAR PRASAD [Effect of sulphur to wheat cultivars]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 125-126 (1998). Department of Agronomy, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur-208 002 (U. P.), India.
28. S. C. SHARMA, H. I. SALIM AND RANU KHAN [Distribution of DTPA-extractable Zn in some soil series of Madhya Pradesh and its relationship with some soil properties]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 127-129 (1998). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Gwalior-474 002 (M. P.), India.
29. AKHILESH SINGH AND ARUN KUMAR SINGH [Response of french bean cultivars to Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler under field conditon]. Crop. Res. 15 (1) : 130-131 (1998). H. P. K. V. Regional Research Station, Dhaulakuan-173 001 (H. P.), India.