Studies on Weeds and their control

Studies on Weeds & their control

Titles of research papers/articles on studies on weeds and their control published in CR Vol. 1 to 14 (1988-97). For full text, please contact to Editor-in-chief at

1. R. N. Satao, A. S. Tayde and S. R. Murarkar [Control of Cyperus rotundus L.)]. Crop Res. 10 (1) : 99-102 (1995). Department of Agronomy, Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (M. S.), India.

2. R. N. Satao, A. S. Tayade and S. R. Murarkar [Control of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]. Crop Res. 10 (2) : 216-220 (1995). Department of Agronomy, Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola-444 104 (M. S.), India.

3. B. C. Kamanna and K. M. Ponnappa [Prospects for the use of phytotoxic metabolite of Alternaria eichhorniae to control aquatic weeds]. Crop Res. 12 (1) : 11-14 (1996). Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agricultural Sciences, G. K. V. K., Bangalore-560 065, India.

4. H. Subbaiah, H. V. Nanjappa and A. N. Balakrishna [Effect of herbicides on soil microbial biomass]. Crop Res. 8 (1) : 28-31 (1994). Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore-560 065, India.

5. J. C. Tamak, S. S. Narwal, L. Singh and M. Ram [Effect of aqueous extracts of rice stubbles and straw+stubbles on the germination and seedling growth of Canvolvulus arvensis, Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris minor]. Crop Res. 8 (1) : 186-189 (1994). Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar – 125 004, India.

6. R. P. Misra and A. D. Pawar [Observations on biocontrol potential of aquatic weed (Salvinia cuculata Rox ex Bary) by some exotic curculionid weevils in Orissa]. Crop Res. 4 (1) : 176-177 (1991). Central Biological Control Station, Bhubaneswar, India.

7. G. Velu and A. Mohamed Ali [Allelopathic effect of pigweed and horsepurslane on Boerhaavia diffusa]. Crop Res. 10 (1) : 103-106 (1995). Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003, India.

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